It starts with the shipment...
FreightTracer gives you control of your shipments. No longer do manufacturers and shippers have to rely on phone calls or trucking company-controlled GPS devices to determine exactly where their freight is.
At some point in time, every shipping manager has endured the headache of having to deal with inaccurate information given to them from drivers, dispatchers, or customer service representatives, ultimately leading to inaccurate information being sent to their customers. FreightTracer makes this a problem of the past!
FreightTracer features:

Real-Time FTL GPS Tracking
FreightTracer offers truck-level insight into the location of the shipment. Using a smartphone or other connected device, drivers will have the ability to easily manage the shipping process from the assignment of the load to delivery.
FreightTracer respects driver privacy. We will only track drivers during actual transportation of shipments. Drivers will not be tracked in between shipments and when they are on break.
Automatic Actual Time in/Time Out
FreightTracer utilizes advanced geo-fencing technology, allowing the system to detect when the truck (via the GPS function of the driver's smart device) has arrived at the pick-up location or any of the delivery destinations. This relieves the driver from having to note pickup and delivery times and compares actual times with those entered by the shipping manager to determine timeliness of the progress of the load.

Delivery Route Tracing
FreightTracer is with your shipments every step of the way. When a load is created and dispatched to a driver, FreightTracer's advanced GPS and mapping technology will display shipment locations, and the routes they've taken, on various maps within the FreightTracer admin interface.

Carrier Scoring System
FreightTracer customers will have the ability to rate their carriers. We will aggregate this data to generate carrier scores that will help you decide which carriers are providing the best service and the dependability you need to get your shipments where they need to be when they need to be there.

Dashboard with Location Map
The FreightTracer Dashboard is your eyes into the location and status of all your shipments. With minimal interaction, you have multiple options for viewing loads and accessing critical information about their progress. The Dashboard Map offers a view of all your shipments, wit multiple filtering options, and allows you access to any detail about your shipments.

Real-Time Pick-up & Delivery Info
From the moment a load is assigned to a driver and dispatched, the combination of FreightTracer's advanced GPS tracking functions with geo-fencing technology and minimal driver interaction allow you to see in real time when the load is picked up, the path it takes while en route, and when it is delivered. FreightTracer's advanced back-end technology tracks and records multiple data points about each shipment, which you can access through your Dashboard.

Immediate POD Upload
As soon as the load is delivered, in addition to FreightTracer's status of the load udpating to being delivered, the driver can use their smart device to photograph and upload the POD document directly to the Dashboard as a PDF, where you can view it, print it, email it, etc.

Vendor Rate Tracking
FreightTracer stores all load information on each shipment, allowing customers to refer back to rates of from of their carriers. Customers can compare past rates with current service and make informed decisions on which carriers to use on future lanes and shipments.

Vendor Insurance Tracking
Shippers often unknowingly select carriers whose insurance is expired. FreightTracer can store carrier insurance certificates and flag carriers with expired insurance, allowing the customer to either follow up with the carrier to get updated insurance information or move on to the next qualified carrier. Either way, costly claims resulting from expired carrier insurance can be avoided.

File Upload Storage
With FreightTracer, drivers have the ability to upload documents related to loads. Using their smart devices, drivers can photograph and upload important documents associated with each load.

Driver Mobile Load Management
From pick-up to delivery, drivers are integral to tracking the status of their loads. Using their smart devices along with the guidance of FreightTracer's GPS and geo-fencing technologies, drivers help manage the load process from pickup to delivery. And because driver privacy is very important to us, drivers will not be tracked when in between loads or on breaks.

Bill of Lading Creation
FreightTracer will automatically generate a Bill of Lading for each load, allowing manufacturers to validate shipment details with the carrier, shipper and consignees.